Environmental policy.

The effect our business has on the environment is something we take very seriously. We are committed to the continual improvement of our performance and how we can minimise any impact our printing process has on the environment. The digital print process itself compared to traditional litho printing, has many key benefits:


We do not need to dispose of film separations, metal plates or the chemicals associated with the lithograhic processes.

Paper waste

A typical make-ready/set-up on our digital press is around 5-10 sheets compared to litho where this can often be 1000′s before the job is ready to run. The added advantage is we also only print the amount of sheets required. Although our waste paper is kept to a minimum, we still require the facility to dispose of this in a safe and environmentally friendly manner and for this we use a specialist paper recycling company, MGM Recycling Services.


The inks used on our HP Indigo 5500 press are liquids in canister form and are utilized until they are completely empty resulting in no ink wastage. The canisters are then collected and recycled by J&G Environmental.

Imaging Oil

The press uses a mineral oil as part of the imaging process during printing which is drained after each service. This waste product is also collected by J&G Environmental.

Recycled Paper

Our “house papers”, Fedregoni Freelife Satin and Gloss, are made of pure ECF (Elemental Chlorine Free) and FSC environmentally friendly cellulose raw materials with a high degree of selected recycled material content. See our page on Paper for further information. We also use Greencoat Plus Digital that is made up from 80% recycled fibre, 10% TCF (Totally Chlorine Free) and 10% ECF (Elemental Chlorine Free). If you require a 100% recycled paper, we recommend Cyclus Tech which is produced using 100% post consumer de-inked waste. However, Cyclus Tech only comes in paper weights up to 200gsm. Our latest paper and currently our favorite recycled paper is GF Smith Mohawk which is 100% recycled and comes in weights up to 352gsm.


We are constantly looking at raising employee environmental awareness and improving the efficient use of energy within the workplace.